Saturday, January 26, 2008

UPDATE: How I avoided my Colonoscopy

Let's see, I've been 11 days without doing much of anything to talk about. When last we convened here at Mug Shots, I was fasting to be ready for a colonoscopy the next day. When I showed up at Doc Merker's office to get my dose of super-laxative, he took one look at my clammy visage and checked me out for what I knew was the truth. I had the flu. Yep, it wasn't nerves, it was the flu. The kind you avoid when you get the preemptive shots in the fall. I didn't get the shots. I got the flu. I got a pass from surgery the next day. Something about laxatives and incipient dehydration not going together. The ultimate excuse slip, the doctor's note! It still looms in the near-future, but I spent my time last week sleeping, instead. The sleep cycles aren't back, nor is my appetite. But I managed to get caught back up with a little programming work and I have a weekend to get caught up here. I'm going to try with a bunch of mini-posts.

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