Wednesday, February 20, 2008

MISC: Non-Feather Pillows Are For the Birds

One reason I don't travel much is the delicate state of my feather-filled pillows. Since hotels insist on using foam pillows, I am stuck for decent sleeping props when playing bridge in person.

I used to pack the pillows, but almost lost one a decade ago when an overzealous maid decided to 'replace' that disgusting pillow in my room. I couldn't have raised a bigger stink if it'd been a real life family member that had been kidnapped. After that trip to Cincinnati, I started cutting back on bridge trips and risking using the local foam to get what sleep I could get. Afterall, when at a tournament, it's not out of reason to play the 9AM, 1PM, 7PM and Midnight Teams, leaving exhaustion as an ample sleeping inducement.

Over the half-century I have been alive, I've slept almost exclusively with feather-filled pillows. I finally had to admit defeat about five years ago with one pillow that was down to a small handful of ratty feathers inside about seven zippered pillow cases. All the cases were micro-fibre bags, treated to reduce allergens. But it was finally time to admit there was no 'there' there anymore. I had to throw the pillow out, once I'd extracted it from its cocoons. It was a heart-wrenching moment.

Feather-filled pillows have personality. If you beat it into a shape, it STAYS in that shape until you hit it with a fist (or your head). It does not BOUNCE back into a 'pillow' shape, defying your will. It doesn't suddenly rise around your head, threatening to choke off your breathe or the sightlines to the TV. Feather pillows offer resistance, not a feeling of nothingness. Feather pillows are for people who love sleep and hate sore necks.

I have dallied with other kinds of pillows. I tried the buckwheat pillows, astounded that the price I paid only got me a hand washcloth-sized pillow (they don't make pillow cases in that size). Sorta worked, but it was too small. And they didn't make them in the right size to really give it a try. I tried an air pillow, it was too slippery. Memory foam pillows? Please. Shaped Foam pillows. Sorry. Did I mention I sleep on my stomach? Nope, it has to be feathers.

And I have to have two of them. One to rest my head, the other to hold ready to replace the other, when it gets warmed up. Because there's nothing like a cool pillow to rest a weary head when you badly need some sleep. Not as good as sex, but right up there!

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