Tuesday, February 12, 2008

TV: Primeval Turning Corner?

Two episodes from the end for this year, Primeval turned in an episode I had little to moan and complain about. The good stuff was there, intelligence, a decent set of primordial baddies, and Lucy Brown dressed to thrill. She's a beautiful lady when she lets her hair down.

Aside from the fact that Brown's Jenny Lewis is singularly cause enough to watch when she's not acting stupidly, the adventure with Professor Nick Cutter and Stephen Hart in the past was a good one. Pretty well a complete knockoff of Tremors, but if you steal with style, it can be completely pleasing. The way home was a little contrived, but it gave Ben Miller's Lester a chance to harrumph in style. Earlier, his calling Abby and Connor, "Daphne and Scrappy" (of Scoobidoo fame) was priceless. Line of the series.

The Hidden Agenda folks, let by the nasty Helen Cutter, were revealed in large part to Nick. He still doesn't know his errant wife is behind things, but he DOES know somebody on the inside is working against the ARC's best interests. WE know it is the sycophant, Leek. We also know Stephen's been bedding Helen, but has misgivings. But there's two weeks for the Professor to catch up.

I'm actually looking forward to Primeval again.

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