Monday, February 11, 2008

SCIENCE: Chilled Plastic Doesn't Bounce

It's been a day. It ended on a good note (see previous post), but it rated a BLECHHH! until then.

The day started off with a visit to the dentist. Doc Sharma had an assistant deal with me this time, as he's been totally unable to get me to do some cosmetic dentistry that he and my dad both want me to do. Since I'm pain and money-adverse to the idea, the Doc hasn't succeeded yet. Nice try with the pretty lady, but still no sell. She did find three occlusions on my molars, but those will be filled during a no-local anesthetic session in late April. I can put up with no-needle dentist visits.

Right at the end of the trip there, having survived the poking and prodding with the teeth-cleaning sonic drill, I swallowed some of that sealant that's applied just at the end of the process. While not completely gag-inducing, it did leave me with an upset tummy (and I've got a BIGGGGG tummy). Everything that happened after that, I blame on the upset tummy.

Off to Costco I went to pick up my spring supply of Ketchup, amongst other things. Ketchup, only from Heinz, is as vital to me as water. I can go a week without milk or bread. I could swig diet soda, if we had a water emergency. But eat without Ketchup? Simply impossible. (Is it a mark of my madness that I am addicted to Ketchup, but can't stand raw tomatoes?)

Twelve big bottles should just see me through the spring. I got some other stuff I needed, but half the haul was Ketchup. I got them into the trunk of the car and then lit out for my last stop before going home. I had some birthday presents for the O'Neill clan to pick up at the Comic Warehouse. And I had to check up on the point of sale software that I wrote for them. Turns out there were a few nits and some new features they wanted implemented. Work. Hmmmpf! I have books and TV show sets to watch. Who wants to work?

Took me 45 minutes to disengage myself and get home. Did I mention it was about 25 below CELSIUS with the wind factor tossed in? Yeah, it was just the day I would have asked for, in leaving the Cave for the first time in a week or so.

I opened the trunk and grabbed four of the double bottle packages to take into the house. ALMOST made it all the way, but one tumbled to the floor just inside the house. It had sprung a leak. Dang it! A little surprised, but spills happen. I went back out to the car and grabbed the box of Kraft Dinner boxes, some ZipLoc bags and the remaining Ketchup.

This time, the bottles hit the cold asphalt between the car and the house. POP!! It was the same sound water balloons make hitting pavement (Don't ask how I know that). The driveway had suffered a grievous wound, ketchup spreading out like I had just shot it. Fifteen bucks of wonderful red goodness was now seeping into the icy covering that made the driveway such a delight to navigate.

I had no choice. I shoveled some of the snow BACK from the snowbanks rimming the driveway onto the spill and waited for a minute or two. The waiting part was partly from my exhaustion doing any shoveling at all. I HIRE that out, and have for years. Confident I now had a chance at clearing it up, I shoveled the Ketchupy snow up and over the snowbank and onto my snow-covered lawn.

Naturally enough, every neighbour I have, chose that exact time to arrive back home. Maybe they got the phone call from Ripley's Believe It or Not that I was actually doing some snow-shoveling of my own. Whatever the rationale, they all had the same joke. "Where's the body?" Wasn't funny the first time. By the fourth time, I was wondering if I could use the Ketchup to actually hid a body in the snowbank. If it hadn't been so much work, I might have explored the idea further.

I went into the house, had some food for the first time today and crawled onto the bed to try and get some exhaustion-fueled snooze time in. It had been a long, lousy day. Until I got the phone call.

At least I found out the elasticity-limits of those plastic bottles.

Do NOT try this at home.

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